What is GÔK

GÔK is everything you expect from a game-changing drink, featuring an exclusive and pleasant flavor with 0 calories and with no sugar added. 

Its creator, Luis Aular, spent many years studying and developing GÔK and this drink represents the calm and patience he experienced to create a bamboo drink that has wide appeal and acceptance from a growing health market.

GÔK is the drink you’ve been waiting for to feel good about yourself and our environment.

GÔK & Sustainability

LAFOOBE is committed to doing its part in the conservation of nature, an essential need if we want to practice what we preach.

Our company will donate 5 cents from every bottle to the reforestation of bamboo forests—the most sustainable plant in the world—which will in turn help increase the generation of oxygen and the reduction of carbon dioxide polluting the environment.

I now invite you to enjoy GÔK, a refreshing bamboo drink that will fill your body with positive thoughts while supporting a noble and sustainable cause.