GOK is grown from bamboo, the most sustainable plant source in the world. 

About GÔK

GÔK is an innovative and refreshing drink from LAFOOBE

In 2008, Luis Aular made the daring decision to take on the challenge of starting a business that creates and promotes healthy food, as well as helping protect the environment—and so, he decided to adopt a simple mantra: “Let food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”

Such a challenge involved the creation and development of an uniquely “different” business and the only way to stand out from the rest was to do so through innovation that would disrupt the food industry.

Today, being innovative is extremely challenging due to the unlimited choices available in a crowded marketplace. The concept of growing sustainable food and introducing it in the “green” market also required a strong knowledge of ecology.

Then, in 2009, Luis began the development of concepts and ideas, followed by countless trips around the world to evaluate and identify any opportunities that may still be available; and it was in 2010 that he managed to convert into a brand the idea of ​​an innovative vision for LAFOOBE—an acronym for Luis Aular Foods and Beverages.

In 2011, LAFOOBE began taking the initial steps to prepare and generate innovative business concepts to make its mark in the health food sector. Luis also based his business on the sourcing of natural and organic products.

LAFOOBE became a business devoted to creating an emotional connection with consumers, who could identify with the product and its mindful contribution to the world with its simple message of “producing food from nature, while protecting its source”.

Throughout 2012, many days and nights were spent evaluating ideas, followed by countless meetings and traveling through different countries, seeking to discover new opportunities—a major challenge for LAFOOBE.

Finally, in 2013, Luis Aular defines the strategic vision of his business with the mission of “designing healthy foods and beverages to protect global ecology”. Still, this strategic vision generated many more challenges—including how to evoke interest and consumer awareness towards a healthy lifestyle, all while generating initiatives to support the environment. And so, in 2013, Luis defines the three principles that will govern LAFOOBE’s business philosophy:

1) Product Concept: the concept must be a reflection of its origin and history to create a connection with consumers—and convert them into supporters.

2) Product Packaging: the packaging design should be unique and convey its origin in its design, and this design should stand out by itself—and this led to the creation of a bamboo-shaped bottle design.

3) Product Innovation: the product must feature a unique and different flavors created from natural product combinations and simple ingredient formulas Between 2013 and 2015, further development was done by LAFOOBE, including the registration of patents, trademarks, logo service mark, and packaging designs—as well as the purchase of US-based businesses.

And after the extreme effort, patience and energy spent to develop a unique product, now we are proudly offering a refreshing drink based on bamboo leaf extract: GÔK.